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Your Age Is Not Your Cage's Carla Allen

Ladies Lifestyle Network, Hays County recently held their inaugural launch on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024 at Creekhaven Inn & Spa in Wimberley, TX. It was a very well anticipated and well attended crowd, and the speaker was Carla Allen, from Your Age Is Not Your Cage.

Carla's speech was about Women + Community, a very fitting topic for a kick-off launch, and left everyone uplifted, motivated and energized to create new connections and to realize their age does not define their ability. She also has a podcast and a youtube that are so amazing! Below is Carla, in her language, discussing who she is, what she offers and how you can get in touch with her.

Ladies Lifestyle Network Hays County - Carla Allen Blog

Hello, my name is Carla Allen and I am the Owner/Founder with Your Age Is Not Your Cage.  I am a Nutrition, Fitness & Health Coach and I'm also a Motivational Speaker & Podcaster!  

My passion in life is to help women thrive as they age, especially women 40+ and beyond.  I'm 59 years old and have walked in your shoes already. My goal in life is to help women make this transition that comes with aging as seamless and painless as possible.  You absolutely can THRIVE actively and powerfully as you age!  This truly can be the best years of your life!

I am on a mission to help change the mindsets of women that it’s NEVER too late and you’re NEVER too old to achieve your optimal life, business, health & fitness goals.  I will come alongside you to coach, equip and empower you with the tools necessary to achieve a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. This includes coaching on optimizing your mindset, nutrition, and fitness goals as we come up with an action plan, so these become your new healthy DAILY lifestyle habits.

My Motto:  Don't wait on motivation to kick in, but get started right now and create that DISCIPLINE + CONSISTENCY, which will equal regular rhythms that lead to healthy, sustainable, DAILY habits.

In addition to my coaching programs, I also offer:

  • A free, local walking group

  • A Women’s Facebook community

  • Grocery Store Tours

  • Pantry Makeovers

  • Gym Guidance (help you with weights & plan a program)

  • Nutrition Labels & Learning to Read Ingredient Labels

  • Healthy Eating & Recipes

  • Perimenopause & Menopause Education

  • Speaker for Businesses, Groups, Churches, etc. on Health, Fitness, Nutrition, and Aging Actively & Powerfully.

One of the best things I’ve ever been told is that I am a “Connector.”  I really love connecting women and watching their bonds form and their friendships flourish.  I am very active in my own community with various women’s groups, I host a Private Facebook Group for Women called “Your Age Is Not Your Cage - Women Aging Actively & Powerfully.” I also host a Private Facebook Group for my Walking Group called “Your Age Is Not Your Cage Walking Group.” 

In addition to that, I host a monthly women’s gathering in my home called “The Table”... A place where all women are welcome!  I’m also the Leader in Austin, Texas for Warrior Women International. 

 I’m on a mission to change the narrative around aging!  Won’t you join me?  After all, we are better when we’re together!



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