I had the amazing opportunity to chat with the owner of Hotworx in Bee Cave and learn more about how this cool business got started! I also did a live video before taking a class there, check it out on our Instagram. You definitely want to go give this place a try if you’re into fitness at all, it’s a great concept and I just love a good Hot class! Read our interview below and give them a visit on their website or on Instagram!
Did you always want to be in or see yourself in the fitness space?
I have always been passionate about wellness and discovering new modalities to take care of myself, but I never envisioned myself as a business owner at all. I just found HOTWORX, loved it so much, and wanted to be a part of the expansion so that other people could experience all of the benefits that Infrared workouts offer.
What is it about HOTWORX that stands out in this industry?
It is a one of a kind 3D training method; heat, Infrared energy and exercise. HOTWORX is a leader in the industry and has patents on the sauna size and design to provide the benefits that we promote. HOTWORX also stands out as it provides more of a workout in less time.
How do you balance a family/work balance being an entrepreneur and having a life outside of work?
I am still working on that and making daily adjustments. I have support from my family and team members to whom I can delegate and trust to support the success and growth of HOTWORX Bee Cave. I also manage my stress levels by getting into the sauna 4-5 times a week.
What is the part about your business that lights you up the most?
The progress that we see in our members and the feedback that we get from them on a daily basis. We have members join because they want to lose weight or recover from a surgery or an injury, and to see the progress first hand is incredible. . We have several members who committed to 3 days a week and have lost between 10-40lbs in just a couple of months! We have members that are trying to get back into working out after an injury and experience first hand the increase in mobility and decrease in inflammation. Seeing members feeling good about results is what lights us up the most.
Do you have any advice/tips for women wanting to start their own business?
Rally your friends and family for support and lean on them when they offer to help. Be confident and be honest with yourself.There have been times where I reach out to people and say ” I really don’t know what to do here, I’m hoping you can help” and that is ok! More often than not, women will support other women. Most importantly, take care of yourself. Go get a massage, take a hike, force yourself to commit to yourself more often that you think you have time for.
What made you take the leap into entrepreneurship and starting a HOTWORX location?
Plain and simple- I love it. I found HOTWORX randomly about 3 years ago and fell in love with the concept immediately. As I learned more about the benefits , I knew I wanted to be a part of this company so that other people could experience the benefits.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hotworxbeecave/
Phone: 512-790-8295